CrazyBoy49z 18.06.2023
How To Auto Format Blade Code In Phpstorm

How To Auto Format Blade Code In Phpstorm

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports many languages, and with the help of plugins, it can also format Laravel’s Blade templates.

CrazyBoy49z 16.06.2023
Solid Principles In Php

Solid Principles In Php

SOLID, this acronym was coined by Michael Feathers, it represents the five basic principles of object-oriented programming developed by Uncle Bob.

CrazyBoy49z 15.06.2023
Resend Email Package For Laravel And Php

Resend Email Package For Laravel And Php

Resend for Laravel is a package that integrates the Laravel mail service with the Resend API.

CrazyBoy49z 15.06.2023
Working With Third Party Services In Laravel

Working With Third Party Services In Laravel

A little over two years ago, I wrote a tutorial on how you should work with third-party APIs. Things have changed in two years, so let's approach this again.

CrazyBoy49z 15.06.2023
Laravel Application Synchronization With Redis

Laravel Application Synchronization With Redis

Redis, a powerful in-memory data structure store, can be seamlessly integrated with Laravel applications to enhance their performance and enable efficient synchronization between multiple applications.

CrazyBoy49z 15.06.2023
Generate Laravel Migrations From An Existing Database

Generate Laravel Migrations From An Existing Database

One of the common challenges when migrating a legacy PHP application to Laravel is creating database migrations based on the existing database

CrazyBoy49z 09.06.2023
Flare And Ignition Now Offer Ai-Powered Solutions

Flare And Ignition Now Offer Ai-Powered Solutions

Today, we're adding AI-powered solutions to Flare. This means we can suggest a solution for almost any error: the AI will likely suggest a helpful suggestion for most errors.

CrazyBoy49z 07.06.2023
Add Strict Typing To Inline Variables In Php With Strictus

Add Strict Typing To Inline Variables In Php With Strictus

PHP doesn't have a way to enforce strongly-typed inline variables natively. Enter Strictus: a package that brings strict typing enforcement to variables.

CrazyBoy49z 07.06.2023
Extra Checks For Laravel Server Monitor

Extra Checks For Laravel Server Monitor

If you want to add some additional server checks for Spatie's Laravel Server Monitor Package, check out this extra server monitor checks package.

CrazyBoy49z 07.06.2023
Hooks For Alpine.js

Hooks For Alpine.js

The Alpine Hooks JS module is a collection of hooks for useful things like hover, window resizing, and more.

CrazyBoy49z 01.06.2023
Php Storm And Laravel Pint

Php Storm And Laravel Pint

If you want Laravel Pint to reformat your PHP code automatically when you save your file in PhpStorm

CrazyBoy49z 01.06.2023
Add Debug Comments To Your Rendered Blade Templates

Add Debug Comments To Your Rendered Blade Templates

With the Laravel Blade Comments package by Spatie, you can add debug comments to your rendered Blade template output.

CrazyBoy49z 01.06.2023
Building A Procedurally Generated Game With Php -

Building A Procedurally Generated Game With Php -

I wrote a procedurally generated game from scratch

CrazyBoy49z 31.05.2023
Uploadcare Filesystem Adapter For Laravel

Uploadcare Filesystem Adapter For Laravel

The Flysystem adapter for Uploadcare makes it easy to use the Uploadcare API to upload and manage files in Laravel and PHP applications.

CrazyBoy49z 26.05.2023
15 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods

15 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods

I write code blocks down that I know I won't use often and will forget about. Every so often I go through them to refresh my memory.

CrazyBoy49z 26.05.2023
Fakerphp Stripe Provider

Fakerphp Stripe Provider

Faker Stripe is a provider for FakerPHP that generates fake but structurally correct IDs for Stripe API resources.

CrazyBoy49z 24.05.2023
Using `Declare(Strict_Types=1)` For More Robust Php Code

Using `Declare(Strict_Types=1)` For More Robust Php Code

Read about how you can use "declare(strict_types=1)" to improve the type safety of your PHP code. We'll discuss how to make your code more robust and avoid type coercion in your code that can cause bugs in your code.

CrazyBoy49z 24.05.2023
Top 10 Laravel Audit Security Issues

Top 10 Laravel Audit Security Issues

Let’s dive in and check out the ten most common security issues I've discovered during my security audits.

CrazyBoy49z 24.05.2023
Laravel Pint Automated Code Formatting: Pre-Commit Hooks And Github Actions

Laravel Pint Automated Code Formatting: Pre-Commit Hooks And Github Actions

Pint is a PHP code-style fixer that's specifically created to work with Laravel. In this tutorial, I will show you how it works and how to automate its launch before or after you commit code to the repository.

CrazyBoy49z 24.05.2023
Laravel Precognition Updates Are Here

Laravel Precognition Updates Are Here

Laravel Precognition was overhauled and ships with a fresh perspective on predicting the outcome of a future HTTP request.

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