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  • 31.05.2023

The Uploadcare PHP package is an adapter for Flysystem that makes it easy to use the Uploadcare API in Laravel 10+ apps:

$uuid = Storage::disk('uploadcare')
    ->putGetUuid('example.txt', 'My notes.');

$uuid = Storage::disk('uploadcare')
    ->putFileGetUuid('files', new File('/path/to/newcontent.txt'));

$uuid = Storage::disk('uploadcare')
        new File('/path/to/newcontent.txt'),

To retrieve and manage files from Uploadcare using Flysystem, you provide the UUID of the resource you want to retrieve:

// Get the content of a file

// Delete a file

If you're working with images, the package author has a PHP Uploadcare transformations package that provides image manipulation tools:

use Vormkracht10\UploadcareTransformations\UploadcareTransformation;

$uuid = '12a3456b-c789-1234-1de2-3cfa83096e25';
$cdnUrl = 'https://example.com/cdn/';

$transformation = (new UploadcareTransformation($uuid, $cdnUrl));

$url = $transformation->crop(width: 320, height: '50p', offsetX: 'center')->setFill(color: 'ffffff');

echo $url;

You can install this package via composer with the following command:

composer require vormkracht10/flysystem-uploadcare

The source code contains complete installation instructions and examples of how you can use the Flysystem API with Uploadcare.


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Yurij Finiv

Yurij Finiv

Full stack


Professional Fullstack Developer with extensive experience in website and desktop application development. Proficient in a wide range of tools and technologies, including Bootstrap, Tailwind, HTML5, CSS3, PUG, JavaScript, Alpine.js, jQuery, PHP, MODX, and Node.js. Skilled in website development using Symfony, MODX, and Laravel. Experience: Contributed to the development and translation of MODX3 i...

About author CrazyBoy49z
Ukraine, Lutsk