• Reading time ~ 7 min
  • 10.04.2023

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework for rapidly building custom UI components.

This means that, unlike other CSS frameworks or libraries, Tailwind CSS components are not pre-styled. Instead, you can build custom interfaces using Tailwind’s low-level utility classes for styling CSS properties like margin, flex, color, and more.

Since its launch in 2017, Tailwind CSS has grown substantially in popularity with the developer community, mainly because it provides developers the flexibility to build custom interfaces without being bound by any UI kit rules.

However, too much choice may cause decision paralysis. Sometimes, you may want to modify or draw inspiration from an existing example so that you can get started more quickly. To meet this need, Tailwind components and template collections provide fully responsive UI components and page templates.

These collections allow you to copy and paste HTML snippets directly into your codebase to use or modify. Built by other developers and organizations, they allow you to get started on your project quickly by seeing the potential outcome.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to ten of the best free Tailwind CSS component collections, including:

  1. Tailwind Components
  2. Tailblocks
  3. Meraki UI
  4. Tailwind Toolbox
  5. Tailwind Templates
  6. Lofi UI
  7. Kometa UI Kit
  8. Material Tailwind
  9. Flowbite
  10. daisyUI

If you have no experience using Tailwind CSS, you may want to read this article on styling components with Tailwind CSS first. Let’s dive in.

1. Tailwind Components

Tailwind Components Homepage Showing Repo Information And Search Bar For Tailwind Components

Tailwind Components is an open source, community-contributed collection of free or paid Tailwind UI templates and components that can be used to bootstrap new apps, projects, and landing pages.

The collection includes ready-to-use dropdowns, logins, modals, tabs, inputs, and selects that are all built with Tailwind CSS, along with a very helpful cheatsheet. You can also contribute to the collection by submitting your own components for others to use.

Tailwind Components Download Options Including Buttons For Full Screen Preview, Download, Copy Fork, Show Code

To use any component or template, click it and you’ll be redirected to an individual page. Preview it if you want to, then either download it, fork it into your GitHub, or copy the code directly.

2. Tailblocks

Example Minimalist Homepage Hero Block That Can Be Created With Tailblocks

Tailblocks is a collection of 60+ minimalist layout blocks, like testimonial, team, steps, statistics, pricing, hero, header, gallery, footer, feature, and ecommerce.

The Tailblocks components are particularly cool because they offer dark mode support, and you can change the primary colors from the interface. Created and maintained by Mert Curuken, the project’s GitHub repo has over 5.1k stars and has been forked over 400 times, so it’s quite popular.

To make use of any layout block, select it, choose a color from the color palette, select dark or light mode, click the View Code button, then copy and paste it into your project.

3. Meraki UI

Meraki UI Components Homepage With Information About The Collection, Creators, And Number Of Tailwind Components Available

Meraki UI is a growing collection of more than 50 beautiful Tailwind CSS components that supports right-to-left (RTL) languages. This means that if a user’s default browser language is set to an RTL language, Meraki UI will reverse everything, including text, scroll, progress indicators, buttons, etc.

This Tailwind components collection, created by Khatab Wedaa and Mosab Ibrahim, includes alerts, login forms, buttons, cards, dropdowns, navbar, pagination, and footers. To make use of any component, just copy it and you’re good to go.

Tailwind Toolbox Homepage With Available Tailwind Components Listing And Left Side Column To Filter Results

Tailwind Toolbox is a collection of open source, community-contributed starter templates and components, as well as a directory of plugins, tools, generators, kits, and guides that will help you make better use of Tailwind CSS.

Created and maintained by Amrit Nagi, Tailwind Toolbox includes over 45 landing page templates and 16 components, among other listings. You can contribute to the collection by clicking on the “Suggest a resource” button.

In addition to HTML markup, Tailwind Toolbox also provides template scripts for expected JavaScript interactions, like opening and closing modals. To make use of scripts, click on the template or component to either download CSS templates or copy the code for Tailwind components.

5. Tailwind Templates

Tailwind Templates Homepage Displaying Cards For Different Categories Of Tailwind CSS Templates

Tailwind Templates is a growing collection of free UI components styled with Tailwind CSS. Built by J-hiz, it features over 30 unique component designs, including alerts, buttons, cards, forms, search inputs, and modals.

Currently, it only features components, but CSS templates will be added soon. To use any component, click on the parent classification, then copy the code for whichever template you like.

6. Lofi UI

Low Fidelity UI Tailwind Css Components With Links To Browse Tailwind Components Or Learn More About Lofi UI

Lofi UI is a growing collection of low-fidelity Tailwind CSS components.

Low-fidelity simply means that the components are structured to be reusable and have minimal styles, so you can add your own and customize your designs to suit your personal taste. In other words, the components are built to be as efficient as possible with HTML and rely on CSS to make them functional.

Think of these Tailwind components as a starting point for you to build on and customize as you see fit.

Lofi UI was built and maintained by Rob Stinson and currently boasts of over 40 elegant UI components and layouts. To use it, click any component card. You’ll then be redirected to CodePen, where you can copy and customize the resulting code.

Kometa Ui Kit Homepage Showing Example Tailwind CSS Components

Kometa UI Kit is a Tailwind CSS kit of over 130 components and layout blocks in different categories, including navs, headers, features, pricing, FAQ, contents, teams, blog, stats, and footers.

As mentioned on the homepage, all layout blocks are fully responsive and are available as plain HTML snippets or React/Vue components. Kometa also has a blog for sharing tips and tricks on how to build more beautiful and outstanding user interfaces with Tailwind CSS.

Kometa UI is a product of the Kitwind team. To use any component from the Kometa UI Kit, click on the parent classification, find a variation you like, and copy the code either as plain HTML, Vue, or React code.

8. Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind Homepage Showing Information About This Tailwind Components Library

Material Tailwind is a simple-to-use components library for Tailwind CSS with Google’s Material Design. It has a number of React and HTML components, all of which are written using Tailwind CSS classes and adhere to the Material Design guidelines.

Material Tailwind makes it easy to personalize your Tailwind CSS components by allowing you to modify the colors, fonts, styling, and anything else to your liking.

Material Tailwind works with a variety of frameworks, although it currently only supports React and HTML components. Other frameworks, such as Vue and Angular, will be supported soon.

9. Flowbite

Flowbite Homepage With Information About Flowbite And Buttons To Explore Tailwind CSS Components

Flowbite is an open source component library that uses Tailwind CSS utility classes to create components. It offers over 400 components and interactive elements, as well as dark mode support and a Figma design system.

It supports a number of modern frontend development frameworks, including React, Vue, Svelte, Laravel and Rails.

A pro edition of Flowbite is available, which contains a Figma design system based on Tailwind CSS utility classes, as well as hundreds of developed pages and components, such as application UI, marketing UI, and e-commerce layouts.

10. daisyUI

daisyUI Homepage Sohwing Listed Information ABout The Library And A Button To See Available Tailwind CSS Components

daisyUI is a popular open source Tailwind CSS component library. It has over 10,000 Github stars and over 800,000 npm downloads.

daisyUI adds classes such as btn, card, and others to Tailwind CSS for all common UI components. This allows us to concentrate on the most critical aspects of each project rather than creating basic elements for each one.

The Tailwind components in daisyUI have a low CSS specificity, so you can use Tailwind CSS utility classes to personalize everything.

daisyUI works with a variety of frontend frameworks, including React, Nextjs, Nuxt, Vue, Solidjs, Svelte, Remix, Angular, and others.


Given the low-level nature of Tailwind CSS, you can build highly customizable templates and designs without writing a single line of CSS or worrying about how to override opinionated components styles, which other CSS frameworks offer.

With the Tailwind CSS component and template collections featured in this article, styling your projects just got a lot easier. Get inspiration to create your own Tailwind CSS styled templates or simply copy, paste, and effortlessly customize to suit your taste.

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Yurij Finiv

Yurij Finiv

Full stack


Professional Fullstack Developer with extensive experience in website and desktop application development. Proficient in a wide range of tools and technologies, including Bootstrap, Tailwind, HTML5, CSS3, PUG, JavaScript, Alpine.js, jQuery, PHP, MODX, and Node.js. Skilled in website development using Symfony, MODX, and Laravel. Experience: Contributed to the development and translation of MODX3 i...

About author CrazyBoy49z
Ukraine, Lutsk