CrazyBoy49z 20.01.2023
How to Improve Your Laravel Application's Security Using a CSP

How to Improve Your Laravel Application's Security Using a CSP

In this article, we're going to look at what a CSP is and what they achieve. We'll then look at how to use a package to add a CSP to your Laravel application. We'll also briefly cover some tips to make adding a CSP to an existing application easier.

CrazyBoy49z 20.01.2023
CRUD Operations Using Laravel Livewire

CRUD Operations Using Laravel Livewire

Check out this step-by-step tutorial on how to execute CRUD operations using Laravel Livewire.

CrazyBoy49z 20.01.2023
New Static Constructors Added for Fluent Validation Rules

New Static Constructors Added for Fluent Validation Rules

In Laravel 9.41, we now have a few convenient static constructors added for things like enum rules, files, and image files. Let's dig in and see how they work.

CrazyBoy49z 14.12.2022
A Look at What's Coming to Laravel 10

A Look at What's Coming to Laravel 10

Laravel v10 is the next major version of Laravel. In this post, we outline everything we know about the next major Laravel release.

CrazyBoy49z 14.12.2022
Using OpenAI in Laravel

Using OpenAI in Laravel

AI is it a buzzword, or is it something we should be thinking about? With the release of the OpenAI package, we can dive into AI-powered Laravel applications

CrazyBoy49z 14.12.2022
Supercharging Your Artisan Commands With Termwind

Supercharging Your Artisan Commands With Termwind

In this article, we'll take a look at what Termwind is, how to install it, and how to use it in your Artisan commands. We'll then update an old example Artisan command step-by-step to use Termwind and see how it improves the output.

CrazyBoy49z 10.12.2022
PhpStorm 2022.3 is released with a new UI, PHP 8.2 support, and more

PhpStorm 2022.3 is released with a new UI, PHP 8.2 support, and more

PhpStorm version 2022.3 is here this week with a new UI, PHP 8.2 support, quick-fix previews, code vision, reader mode for PHPDocs, and more.

CrazyBoy49z 10.12.2022
PHP 8.2 is released with read-only classes, new stand-alone types, trait constants, and more

PHP 8.2 is released with read-only classes, new stand-alone types, trait constants, and more

The PHP team has released PHP 8.2 today with read-only classes, new stand-alone types, a new random extension, trait constants, and more.

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Require Signatures and Associate Them With Eloquent Models

Require Signatures and Associate Them With Eloquent Models

Laravel pad signature is a package to sign documents associated with an Eloquent model and optionally generate certified PDFs.

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Sanitize and Format Data in PHP with the Transformer Package

Sanitize and Format Data in PHP with the Transformer Package

Transformer is a PHP package for sanitizing and formatting data powered by Laravel's validation components.

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Unlock The Power Of TDD

Unlock The Power Of TDD

Test-Driven development has become my preferred way of programming, and I want to show you why in my latest video course PEST Driven Laravel

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Attach Time-sliced Metadata to Eloquent Models

Attach Time-sliced Metadata to Eloquent Models

Laravel Multiplex is a Laravel package to attach time-sliced metadata to Eloquent models.

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Manage any Laravel app as if it was a CMS

Manage any Laravel app as if it was a CMS

Paragraph offers a new paradigm – instead of managing view templates, language files, translation keys and all that other boring stuff, let’s try to think about our product from a higher level, from a customer level really – let’s start working with pages, emails and user journeys instead!

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Creating a Password Generator

Creating a Password Generator

Password generation is something we all think about doing at some point, but how can we go about doing it and making these passwords easy to remember and secure

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Laravel Waterline: UI for Workflows

Laravel Waterline: UI for Workflows

Laravel Waterline is an elegant UI for monitoring Laravel Workflows using the laravel-workflows package.

CrazyBoy49z 04.12.2022
Using DTOs to keep context

Using DTOs to keep context

DTOs, or Domain Transfer Objects, can be used for so much. Since PHP 8 was released, creating these fantastic classes in your projects has never been easier.

CrazyBoy49z 08.11.2022
Learn how to upload files in Laravel like a Pro

Learn how to upload files in Laravel like a Pro

One of the things that I see many people struggling with is file uploads. How do we upload a file in Laravel? What is the best way to upload a file?

CrazyBoy49z 08.11.2022
Automating your OpenAPI Documentation

Automating your OpenAPI Documentation

Over the years, as developers, we have always looked for ways that we can automate our documentation, from PHPDoc to Swagger and beyond.

CrazyBoy49z 08.11.2022
OpenAI PHP Client

OpenAI PHP Client

OpenAI PHP is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.

CrazyBoy49z 08.11.2022
Laravel Model Flags Package

Laravel Model Flags Package

Laravel Model Flags is a package by Spatie to allow you to add flags to an Eloquent model.

Showing 300 of 430 results