• Reading time ~ 12 min
  • 06.06.2022

One of the top Laravel questions I hear is "How to structure the project". If we narrow it down, the largest part of it sounds like "If the logic shouldn't be in Controllers, then where should we put it?"

The problem is there is no single correct answer to such questions. Laravel gives you the flexibility to choose the structure yourself, which is both a blessing and a curse.You won't find any recommendations in the official Laravel docs, so let's try to discuss various options, based on one specific example.

Notice: as there's no one way to structure the project, this article will be full of side-notes, "what if" and similar paragraphs.I advise you don't skip them, and read the article in full, to be aware of all the exceptions to the best practices.

Imagine you have a Controller method for registering users that does a lot of things:

public function store(Request $request)
    // 1. Validation
        'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
        'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'],
        'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', Rules\Password::defaults()],
    // 2. Create user
    $user = User::create([
        'name' => $request->name,
        'email' => $request->email,
        'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
    // 3. Upload the avatar file and update the user
    if ($request->hasFile('avatar')) {
        $avatar = $request->file('avatar')->store('avatars');
        $user->update(['avatar' => $avatar]);
    // 4. Login
    // 5. Generate a personal voucher
    $voucher = Voucher::create([
        'code' => Str::random(8),
        'discount_percent' => 10,
        'user_id' => $user->id
    // 6. Send that voucher with a welcome email
    $user->notify(new NewUserWelcomeNotification($voucher->code));
    // 7. Notify administrators about the new user
    foreach (config('app.admin_emails') as $adminEmail) {
        Notification::route('mail', $adminEmail)
            ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($user));
    return redirect()->route('dashboard');

Seven things, to be precise. You will all probably agree that it's too much for one controller method, we need to separate the logic and move the parts somewhere.But where exactly?

  • Services?
  • Jobs?
  • Events/listeners?
  • Action classes?
  • Something else?

The trickiest part is that all of the above would be the correct answers. That's probably the main message you should take home from this article. I will emphasize it for you, in bold and caps.


There, I said it.In other words, if you see some structure recommended somewhere, it doesn't mean that you have to jump and apply it everywhere. The choice is always yours. You need to choose the structure that would be comfortable for yourself and your future team to maintain the code later.

With that, I probably could even end the article right now. But you probably want some "meat", right?Ok, fine, let's play around with the code above.

General Refactoring Strategy

First, a "disclaimer", so it would be clear what we're doing here, and why. Our general goal is to make the Controller method shorter, so it wouldn't contain any logic.

Controller methods need to do three things:

  • Accept the parameters from routes or other inputs
  • Call some logic classes/methods, passing those parameters
  • Return the result: view, redirect, JSON return, etc.

So, controllers are calling the methods, not implementing the logic inside the controller itself.

Also, keep in mind, that my suggested changes are only ONE way of doing it, there are dozens of other ways which would also work. I will just provide you with my suggestions, from personal experience.

1.Validation: Form Request classes

It's a personal preference, but I like to keep the validation rules separately, and Laravel has a great solution for it: Form Requests

So, we generate:

php artisan make:request StoreUserRequest

We move our validation rules from the controller to that class.

use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password;
class StoreUserRequest extends FormRequest
    public function authorize()
        return true;
    public function rules()
        return [
            'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
            'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'],
            'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', Password::defaults()],

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

use App\Http\Requests\StoreUserRequest;
class RegisteredUserController extends Controller
    public function store(StoreUserRequest $request)
        // No $request->validate needed here
        // Create user
        $user = User::create([...]) // ...

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

// Create user
$user = User::create([
    'name' => $request->name,
    'email' => $request->email,
    'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
// Avatar upload and update user
if ($request->hasFile('avatar')) {
    $avatar = $request->file('avatar')->store('avatars');
    $user->update(['avatar' => $avatar]);

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
class UserService
    public function createUser(Request $request): User
        // Create user
        $user = User::create([
            'name' => $request->name,
            'email' => $request->email,
            'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
        // Avatar upload and update user
        if ($request->hasFile('avatar')) {
            $avatar = $request->file('avatar')->store('avatars');
            $user->update(['avatar' => $avatar]);
        return $user;

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

use App\Services\UserService;
class RegisteredUserController extends Controller
    public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
        $user = $userService->createUser($request);
        // Login and other operations...

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

So, we need two more "layers": one for file upload, and one for the transformation from the $request to the parameters for the function. And, as always, there are various ways to implement it.

In other words, we offload ALL the logic to the action class that then takes care of everything around both file upload and user creation.To be honest, I'm not even sure if it's the best example to illustrate the Action classes, as I'm personally not a big fan of them and haven't used them much.As another source of examples, you may take a look at the code of Laravel Fortify.

What is the advantage of this approach, with events and listeners?They are used like "hooks" in the code, and anyone else in the future would be able to use that hook.In other words, you're saying to the future developers: "Hey, the user is registered, the event happened, and now if you want to add some other operation happening here, just create your listener for it".

class UserService
    public function uploadAvatar(Request $request): ?string
        return ($request->hasFile('avatar'))
            ? $request->file('avatar')->store('avatars')
            : NULL;
    public function createUser(array $userData): User
        return User::create([
            'name' => $userData['name'],
            'email' => $userData['email'],
            'password' => Hash::make($userData['password']),
            'avatar' => $userData['avatar']

So, as you can see, the same multiple operations around users, just not in one UserService class, but rather divided into Action classes.It may make sense, looking from the Single Responsibility Principle point of view, but I do like to group methods into classes, instead of having a lot of separate classes. Again, that's a personal preference.

public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
    $avatar = $userService->uploadAvatar($request);
    $user = $userService->createUser($request->validated() + ['avatar' => $avatar]);
    // ...

Again, there's no php artisan make:action, you just create a PHP class.For example, I will create app/Actions/CreateNewUser.php:

  1. The method createUser() now doesn't know anything about the Request, and we may call it from any Artisan command or elsewhere
  2. The avatar upload is separated from the user creation operation

In other words, we offload ALL the logic to the action class that then takes care of everything around both file upload and user creation.To be honest, I'm not even sure if it's the best example to illustrate the Action classes, as I'm personally not a big fan of them and haven't used them much.As another source of examples, you may take a look at the code of Laravel Fortify.

What is the advantage of this approach, with events and listeners?They are used like "hooks" in the code, and anyone else in the future would be able to use that hook.In other words, you're saying to the future developers: "Hey, the user is registered, the event happened, and now if you want to add some other operation happening here, just create your listener for it".

  • CreateNewUser
  • UpdateUserPassword
  • UpdateUserProfile
  • etc.

But, in my personal opinion, this is a bit dangerous pattern.

namespace App\Actions;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
class CreateNewUser
    public function handle(Request $request)
        $avatar = ($request->hasFile('avatar'))
            ? $request->file('avatar')->store('avatars')
            : NULL;
        return User::create([
            'name' => $request->name,
            'email' => $request->email,
            'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
            'avatar' => $avatar
public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, CreateNewUser $createNewUser)
    $user = $createNewUser->handle($request);
    // ...

But, in my personal opinion, this is a bit dangerous pattern.

4. Voucher Creation: Same or Different Service?
$voucher = Voucher::create([
    'code' => Str::random(8),
    'discount_percent' => 10,
    'user_id' => $user->id
$user->notify(new NewUserWelcomeNotification($voucher->code));

But, in my personal opinion, this is a bit dangerous pattern.

But, in this example, those separate code parts are short. In real life, they may be much more complex, and by separating them, we made them more manageable, so every part may be handled by a separate developer, for example.

use App\Models\Voucher;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class UserService
    // public function uploadAvatar() ...
    // public function createUser() ...
    public function createVoucherForUser(int $userId): string
        $voucher = Voucher::create([
            'code' => Str::random(8),
            'discount_percent' => 10,
            'user_id' => $userId
        return $voucher->code;
public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
	// ...
    $voucherCode = $userService->createVoucherForUser($user->id);
    $user->notify(new NewUserWelcomeNotification($voucherCode));
class UserService
    public function sendWelcomeEmail(User $user)
        $voucherCode = $this->createVoucherForUser($user->id);
        $user->notify(new NewUserWelcomeNotification($voucherCode));

But, in my personal opinion, this is a bit dangerous pattern.

foreach (config('app.admin_emails') as $adminEmail) {
    Notification::route('mail', $adminEmail)
        ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($user));

But, in this example, those separate code parts are short. In real life, they may be much more complex, and by separating them, we made them more manageable, so every part may be handled by a separate developer, for example.

php artisan make:job NewUserNotifyAdminsJob
class NewUserNotifyAdminsJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
    private User $user;
    public function __construct(User $user)
        $this->user = $user;
    public function handle()
        foreach (config('app.admin_emails') as $adminEmail) {
            Notification::route('mail', $adminEmail)
                ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($this->user));
use App\Jobs\NewUserNotifyAdminsJob;
class RegisteredUserController extends Controller
    public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
    	// ...
public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
    $avatar = $userService->uploadAvatar($request);
    $user = $userService->createUser($request->validated() + ['avatar' => $avatar]);
    return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);

But, in my personal opinion, this is a bit dangerous pattern.

  1. We're actively creating the user and logging them in
  2. And then something with that user may (or may not) happen in the background. So we're passively waiting for those other operations: sending a welcome email and notifying the admins.

But, in this example, those separate code parts are short. In real life, they may be much more complex, and by separating them, we made them more manageable, so every part may be handled by a separate developer, for example.

php artisan make:event NewUserRegistered
php artisan make:listener NewUserWelcomeEmailListener --event=NewUserRegistered
php artisan make:listener NewUserNotifyAdminsListener --event=NewUserRegistered
use App\Models\User;
class NewUserRegistered
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
    public User $user;
    public function __construct(User $user)
        $this->user = $user;
public function store(StoreUserRequest $request, UserService $userService)
    $avatar = $userService->uploadAvatar($request);
    $user = $userService->createUser($request->validated() + ['avatar' => $avatar]);
    return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);
use App\Events\NewUserRegistered;
use App\Services\UserService;
class NewUserWelcomeEmailListener
    public function handle(NewUserRegistered $event, UserService $userService)
use App\Events\NewUserRegistered;
use App\Notifications\NewUserAdminNotification;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
class NewUserNotifyAdminsListener
    public function handle(NewUserRegistered $event)
        foreach (config('app.admin_emails') as $adminEmail) {
            Notification::route('mail', $adminEmail)
                ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($event->user));

But, in this example, those separate code parts are short. In real life, they may be much more complex, and by separating them, we made them more manageable, so every part may be handled by a separate developer, for example.

php artisan make:observer UserObserver --model=User
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications\NewUserAdminNotification;
use App\Services\UserService;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
class UserObserver
    public function created(User $user, UserService $userService)
        foreach (config('app.admin_emails') as $adminEmail) {
            Notification::route('mail', $adminEmail)
                ->notify(new NewUserAdminNotification($event->user));


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Yurij Finiv

Yurij Finiv

Full stack


Professional Fullstack Developer with extensive experience in website and desktop application development. Proficient in a wide range of tools and technologies, including Bootstrap, Tailwind, HTML5, CSS3, PUG, JavaScript, Alpine.js, jQuery, PHP, MODX, and Node.js. Skilled in website development using Symfony, MODX, and Laravel. Experience: Contributed to the development and translation of MODX3 i...

About author CrazyBoy49z
Ukraine, Lutsk